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Type of membership:

Please enroll me as a member of the LWQIA
Enclosed is my membership fee of $25.00/annual dues.

Please take a few moments to fill out this questionnaire. Thank you.

Please check any of the areas that you are
interested in, or would be willing to help with.
You may also write in an area of interest.

What are your interests in Lake Winnebago?
Check all that apply.

Lake Winnebago Quality Improvement Association
PO Box 1716
Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1716
Please send your annual membership fee of $25.00 to:
Dues and donations are tax deductible.
Make checks payable to: LWQIA or Lake Winnebago Quality Improvement Association.
Please include this form with your payment.
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Receipt (tear off and retain for your records)